At the time of this post, we are at the beginning of the national response to the coronavirus pandemic. Businesses and schools have shuttered, and we are social distancing to give medical experts and scientists the time they need to help us weather this unprecedented time.
Educators and helpers are busy learning and ramping up how to serve students and others online. We are all looking for what works to engage all learners and help them negotiate this new and mostly uncharted territory.
This video shows you my process for using the ACT Matrix to engage others online. The way you join is not to tell them but to show them the point of view so they experience the process of psychological flexibility and creativity.
If you want to engage learners both online and in-person and create powerful social-emotional learning experiences, the ACT Matrix is a game-changer. I have a free email training that can be accessed on the Evolving Solutions homepage. Dr. Kevin Polk and I also...
I have partnered with National Professional Resources to create the first ACT Matrix Guide for use in education, buisness and other organizations.
NPR is a leader in professional development resources and guides for educators. “The ACT Matrix: A Mindful Process for SEL, Mental Health, Collaboration, and Achievement,” is a laminated guide for use for and with learners of all ages and will be available in late February of 2020. It is also an excellent teaching and training tool to use with those you serve.
NPR is offering a pre-order discount before the guide is available. Just click HERE
It is the time of year when we are bombarded with messages about goal setting and resolutions. It is built into us that when the calendar hits January our thoughts and conversations turn to “what I want to accomplish”.
Resistance, like the Borg, says in Star Trek, is futile. The message relentlessly seeps in. Even if I don’t want to do any goal setting, my mind begins to conjure up destinations and images of a more fit body, a better-organized workspace, eating all of those good organic healthy foods. Like a summer cold, it is like a virus that shows up inside of me.
A quick search of the top 10 resolutions for the new year reveals the following:
They also happen to be the top 10 resolutions that we fail to keep each year.
Most resolutions dissolve into...
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